Monday, May 30, 2011

Week 1

Write your thoughts on the article ‘Blogging to Learn, Learning to Blog’ by Jean Burgess.

I could personally relate to the article by Jean Burges as I have done numerous courses where blogging has been a a component of assessment. Burges believes that Weblogs are incumbent upon educational institutions to support students in developing literacies and competencies that are appropriate to the technological and social environments in which we all now work. I find this attitude to blogging to be very true. In order for creative arts students in particular to be engaged and interactive in their line of work, being connected via the web has become imperative. So much content is now being shared and dispersed through social networking tools such as Blogger, and in order for students to be learning, they need to be in touch with Internet culture.

Have you used a blog before? If so, why? Do you think blogging is a form of creative expression?

Find a blog that you like which you think is ‘effective’.

I have used a blog before! But only for uni assignments in the past. I do however surf around different blogging sites. I think blogging is definitely a form of creative expression. It is an easy free way of collecting and publishing any of your work. I have come across some great blogs over the last few years. One in particular is the blog 4thandbleeker. A friend posted me the address on Facebook, I clicked on it and saw that it was an old friend that I went to primary school with blogging. It was her modeling portfolio. She travels around the world modeling on different continents and always has interesting photos to look at! I'm surprised at how many followers she has reeled in as well!

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