A few ideas for your discussions:
Bell uses the phrase ‘material storytelling’ (2007: 5) in discussing the relationships between us and technology. Do you feel that your relationship/history of interactions with technology could be presented in this way?
Much discussion surrounds the ‘digital divide’ (2007: 5-6). Find a definition for this. Bell suggests that in order to deal with ‘clusters of connotations’ in our material stories, we often are ‘invisibilizing those people on the “wrong side” of the digital divide’ (2007: 6). Agree/disagree?
The digital divide can refer to the gaps and silences between individuals, house holds, businesses and geographic areas at different socioeconomic levels with regard to both their opportunities to access information and communication technologies and to their use of the internet. (Thanks Wiki!)
I agree with Bells statement that we are often invizibilizing people on the wrong side of the digital divide. People who do not have access to participating in cyber culture are left out of the loop. Demographics who don't follow main stream trends, have different values and principles, and it is these principles that are often invisible to the growing culture that is manifesting through the Web.
Today's growing facets of popular culture form well around trends and societies formed via the web. It's almost as if our world is evolving via technology and the internet, and those who don't have the resources to be connected with the rest of the world, are being left behind and forgotten.
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