So I've just realized that I am one blog short.... hmmmm... well what better to discuss and talk about than the hyper textual essay I just submitted!!
OMG... I am so glad that assignment is over with!!! Biggest head ache of my life TO DATE. Some of the things that really annoyed me with this assignment were the following:
Tweening... woooahhhhhhhh. So I had my whole hypertextual essay finished, and I was adding a motion tween of a jelly been jar moving onto the screen and shaking around. When I was putting it into my flash document, SOMEHOW, my whole flash document wiped itself, and all I was left with was the stupid shaking jelly bean jar..... I had saved my work previously, but I had only saved the document half way through working on it... so i had lost like 5 pages of work.... Because I was at uni and it was the day of submission, I also couldn't go home to pick up my USB stick which had my whole essay saved to it!!! I nearly cried.... so from the references I had I had to re-write most of the essay as well!!!
Some of the things I feel I did well:
Over all I think I am really happy with the aesthetic of my flash document. I think that my buttons are the greatest part of the assignment... (not that that's saying something.) I think for my skill level with flash, though my assignment is of a quite basic concept, it is still appealing and interesting to look at.
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