Thursday, June 16, 2011

Week 15

And so the end is here....

Ahhh so it is that the Uni semester is coming to an end and I am completing my last ever blog entry for this subject!!!!! In a way I am a little relieved... To be honest I don't think I could go through one more flash assignment!! I never knew that an application could cause a person such trauma and stress. As hard as it was for me, I am proud of the fact that I made it through the semester and that I completed all of the assessment to what I think is the best of my ability.

Flash has been difficult for many reasons. One of them being is that it has been such a time consuming thing to do. One assignment that was worth 10 percent or even 20 percent took hours and hours. With a full time load of study, as well as full time hours of work, I was really struggling to function and my tolerance for flash burnt out pretty quick! However with the majors I have chosen for my degree and the career that I am looking to pursue. I think that this subject and the skills and knowledge I have gained will really help me in my search for a real job! I will most definitely be putting FLASH as one of my skills on my professional resume!

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